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Library Browsing: Frequently Asked Questions

Updated January 18, 2022



The Siuslaw Public Library District will continue to add services, hours, and programs over the coming months as our community continues to successfully fight back against Covid-19. 


When is the library open? Can I come in to browse?

We are now open for browsing. Our current hours in Florence are: Monday-Saturday, 10 AM - 6 PM. Our Mapleton branch is open for browsing on Wednesdays and Thursdays, 12-5 PM.


Do I need an appointment for browsing?

We welcome walk-in traffic during browsing hours. You do not need an appointment to enter the building during those times.


Do I need to wear a mask?

Masks are required in the state of Oregon in any public indoor space. Adults and kids 5+ must wear a mask to enter the library and during your entire visit, including in the lobby, restrooms, and study rooms. If you're not able to wear a mask, give us a call at 541-997-3132 to ask about picking up requested items at the door.


What’s available to check out? How many items can I check out?

You can check out books, DVDs, games, magazines, etc. Our regular checkout limits apply.


How do I check things out?

We have new touchless self-checkout stations at the front desk, which you are encouraged to use. Please remember to bring your library card. Staff are also available to assist you with checkout if you’re not able to use the self-check stations.


Are you still offering curbside pickup?

Yes! We are offering browsing and curbside pickup at both library locations. You can request curbside pickup and collect your items the next day. We’ve moved the pickup area into the library, directly across from the checkout desk.


How do I return items?

The 24-hour book drop off Maple Street in Florence is now open. The inside return is open in the Florence lobby during browsing hours. The outside book drop at Mapleton is also open.


I applied for a temporary card during the closure. How do I get my real card?

All temporary online cards issued since March 2020 expired on June 30, but can be reactivated when you complete the in-person application process. During browsing hours, you can come to the library and pick up your new card. You will need to bring photo ID and proof of your local street address (such as driver’s license, sale or rental agreement, or first-class mail addressed to you). See proof of residency options here.


How do I get a new library card?

We are now offering same-day library card service during browsing hours in Florence. Stop by to fill out an application. You’ll need photo ID and proof of your local street address (see above). If you are a non-resident wishing to purchase an out-of-district library card ($15 for three months or $50 for a year), we will accept a check or the exact amount in cash with your application.


Can I bring my kids with me? Is the children’s room open?

You are welcome to bring your kids in to select books. We do not have the usual toys and activities available to play with in the children’s area, so you may want to prepare them before visiting that you’re only there to choose items to take home. We’re not able to accommodate play groups or meetups right now.


Can I do work or sit and read at the library?

We are now offering limited seating at the library during open hours. Tables and chairs are available for study, work, or reading.


Can I schedule a meeting at the library?

Our study rooms are now open. Stop by the reference desk to ask about using a room for up to two hours. Our larger meeting rooms are not yet available.


Are you offering library programs?

We are continuing to offer virtual programs, but nothing in-person at this time. Sign up for our monthly email newsletter and watch our social media for program information. Storytime is every Tuesday and Friday at 10:30 AM on Facebook Live.


Can I use a computer?

We are now offering public computers during open hours. No appointment is required. We also have an express print station available during browsing hours for quick use.


Is the restroom available?

Yes, our public restrooms are now open.


Are you accepting donations?

At this time, we are not accepting donations of books, magazines, or other materials. When volunteers from the Friends of Siuslaw Public Library are able to come in and process donations, we will start accepting donations again.

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